• Book the Milk It Place.

    An in office visit located at 6501 Wyoming Blvd NE Albuquerque NM 87109.

    Prenatal Lactation Visit $125

    Initial Lactation Visit $205

    Follow Up Lactation Visit $175

    Initial Bottle Feeding Visit $175

    Follow Up Bottle Feeding Visit $175

    Infant Massage $150

  • Prenatal Lactation Visit $150

    Initial Lactation Visit $255

    Follow Up Lactation Visit $195

    Initial Bottle Feeding Visit $200

    Follow Up Bottle Feeding Visit $195

    Infant Massage $150

  • Prenatal Lactation Visit $125

    Initial Lactation Visit $205

    Follow Up Lactation Visit $155

    Initial Bottle Feeding Visit $175

    Follow Up Bottle Feeding Visit $155

    Infant Massage $150

Milk It Self Pay Rates

MilK It Take Some Insurance

The Milk It Place