What clients say about working with Condola.

  • “I can't thank Condola enough for the help she provided me and my son Bryan. I tried with the help of many hospital staff to get my son to latch but struggled. I was told hold him this way, that way, use a shield, no don't use a shield. I came home frustrated, engorged, and feeling like I was failing. Condola offered her help and I immediately accepted. She examined my son and saw he had a tough tie, and explained this along with me having flat nipples was the reason for him not latching easily. She showed me how to properly use a nipple shield and I was finally able to get him to properly latch. She made sure I was comfortable with getting the nipple cover on and getting him to latch on. She made sure I understood how to pump and she also provided guidance on finger feeding Bryan to ensure he was getting enough milk. I was finally able to relax and bond with my son during his feedings and know he was getting everything he needed and I am beyond grateful for that.”

    — Arlene

  • “Condola was able to come over to my house as soon as I brought my baby boy Kyree home to help me with my breastfeeding journey. I had to have an emergency C-section. My body was not able to produce milk fast enough. She stayed with me over an hour to make sure my baby had a good latch and that my baby and I felt comfortable with breastfeeding. She educated me on how to help my milk come in and how to maintain my supply, latching, and pumping. She made sure she was readily available for me during this crucial time. It felt amazing to be able to contact her whenever I had questions and she responded so quickly! I always felt supported. Being able to breastfeed my baby was extremely important to me and I’m so grateful she was so patient and knowledgeable. She helped me succeed. It's been 7 months and I’ve been able to confidently breastfeed my son thanks to her! .”

    — Tabitha

  • “I have always felt comfortable seeking help at Milk It Lactation Services with Condola. I had an uneventful breastfeeding experience with my first child, so I thought my second child would be a breeze. This has not been the case and we have had many obstacles to overcome.  Condola has always reassured me this journey belongs to my baby and I. She has supported me through three cases of mastitis and countless doubts. I feel incredibly fortunate to have Condola as my lactation provider. She has gone above and beyond to listen carefully to my concerns and put me at ease. I am an RN and I come in contact with COVID positive patients. She gave me the emotional support I needed, especially during COVID, to continue breast feed safely.  Condola is a great listener and is quick to reply and answer all of my questions. She has the expertise and guidance to provide the best help for my child and I. We have been breastfeeding for over two years and I am confident we could not have made it this far without Milk It Lactation Services. Thank you for all you have done for us.”

    — Jo, RN

  • “Condola really went the extra mile when it came to supporting me in my lactation journey. I had no milk at all for over a week, she thoughtfully assessed my latch, and helped me decide on a feeding plan without judgment. She helped me assess the fit of my pump parts and spent far more time than she needed to in order to support my son and I. I’ve now managed to establish a milk supply and don’t think I would have been successful without her support in those early days.”


  • " I have had the honor of working with Condola Garrett, RN, IBCLC, for over 2 years and I have personally observed her help so many babies, moms, and their families meet their breastfeeding goals. She provider care that is evidence based in a kind and compassionate manner. I recommend Milk It Lactation Services!"

    -Sylvia Price, DNP, FNP-C

  • "Condola has been such a great blessing to my daughter and I. She has helped me so much with learning new tips and tricks to breastfeeding. I also learned all the benefits that breastmilk has. Anytime I had a question regardless of the day or time she would get back to me quickly. Condola has made me feel so supported and I am so happy I was able to breastfeed my daughter for a whole year!"


  • "Condola was so amazing to work with! Having her come to my home and support my breastfeeding journey in the environment it occurs in was exactly what my baby and I needed. She was thorough with medical and birth history to ensure she was providing the best course of action. More than anything, Condola was kind and encouraging. I highly recommend her services!"


  • "I was so concerned going back to work and the impact it would have on my milk supply, Condola reassured me everything would be OK by giving me resources, techniques and support. I would recommend her to all my mommy friends."

    -Leesa Myers

  • "Condola is amazing. I have gone to a few lactation consultants and they never paid attention to me on my needs like Condola did. She listened and helped me fix the issues I was having as a first time breastfeeding mom. My babies are doing so much better on the breast and that is only after 1 session with her. I love the results so early on. I recommend her 200%."


  • "I was so concerned going back to work and the impact it would have on my milk supply, Condola reassured me everything would be OK by giving me resources, techniques and support. I would recommend her to all my mommy friends."

    - Jaleesa

  • "So grateful I found Condola and her services!!! I am a first time mom and she has helped my breastfeeding and motherhood journey tremendously!!! There are no words to describe her knowledge, encouragement, support, kindness, empathy, compassion, and care that she provides!! She makes you feel great even when you are doubting yourself! She customizes everything for the family! I just love everything about her and her services!! I highly recommend and would give a million stars if I could! She saved my breastfeeding journey and has been a huge asset to our family!! Thank you, Condola!!"


  • "As a first time mom, I had no idea what I was doing when it came to my breastfeeding journey. I was needing to see a lactation consultant immediately since I was struggling. I was then referred to Condola and she was able to see me immediately the following day. She is amazing! I love how she explained everything to me in detail and provided recourses when I needed them. She can either do a video call or come to your home. I love that she can come to you so you can be in the comfort of your own home. She was able to help me and my baby with the breastfeeding journey and thanks to her I know so much more about breastfeeding. She's also very sweet and professional! I'm definitely referring mommy's over to her every chance I get."


  • “I can't express enough gratitude for Condola, who turned what felt like a hopeless challenge into a successful and fulfilling breastfeeding journey. At six weeks postpartum, I was on the verge of giving up, having faced dismissive responses from previous consultations and my OB. Enter Condola, a true breastfeeding advocate who acknowledged my concerns and worked towards solutions. From our first interaction, Condola made me feel heard and validated. She went beyond the surface and, with her expertise, helped diagnose thrush, collaborating with my OB for a comprehensive treatment plan. Her ability to recognize and address the underlying issues was a game-changer. Condola's calm and reassuring presence provided the emotional support I desperately needed. Her patience and kindness made every interaction a positive and empowering experience. She took the time to address all my questions, alleviating my doubts and fears. Condola's guidance went beyond the basics, filling the gaps left by previous consultations and even my breastfeeding class. Her wealth of knowledge and practical tips empowered me to overcome challenges and succeed in reaching my breastfeeding goals. My little one's unique needs required extra attention, and Condola willingly provided additional follow-up visits. Her dedication to ensuring my baby was thriving through pre and post-feed weight checks gave me the confidence I needed. Condola's transparency about insurance coverage and her proactive approach in requesting additional visits to be covered made the financial aspect seamless and stress-free. As an overproducer, I faced different challenges, but Condola's guidance allowed me to navigate comfortably. With her support, I not only fed my baby but also had the privilege of donating to help other infants in need. The convenience of Condola's in-home visits added an extra layer of comfort to the entire experience. Being able to address concerns within the familiar surroundings of my home made a significant difference. Without Condola, my breastfeeding journey could have ended prematurely at six weeks. Instead, with her expertise and unwavering support, I triumphantly reached the one-year mark. If you find yourself struggling, don't hesitate to reach out to Condola. I am eternally grateful for the positive impact she had on my breastfeeding experience.”


  • "Condola was extremely helpful in the care of our twins during our breastfeeding journey. Our girls recently had tongue and lip tie revisions at 2 months old and the regression period was hard on us. We had previously seen another lactation consultant which had left us with more questions and less confidence, but Condola came and answered every question, provided great education and support, and even gave us tools and resources for future success. Would definitely recommend her to those in need of lactation support!"


  • "I can’t say enough good things about Condola- if you are struggling with breastfeeding or even if you aren’t struggling and just need support, you should work with her! She supports with more than just breastfeeding too. She can offer care around bottle feeding, pumping, prenatal and postpartum care, etc. (check out her website and you'll see she basically does it all!) Personally, working with her changed my entire breast-feeding journey and helped my baby boy so much! She is an expert in her field, supportive, and truly listens. Even though this was my second child and breastfeeding was so easy for me with my first, I was really struggling the second time around. I suspected my son had a lip and tongue tie because he checked all the boxes when it came to symptoms, including constant reflux and falling off his growth curve. Out of all the medical professionals we had seen since his birth, Condola was the only one who gave my baby boy an actual thorough oral exam, checking for function beyond just seeing if he could “stick his tongue out”. I was contemplating giving up on breastfeeding until Condola helped us. She referred us to a pediatric dentist to release my son’s lip and tongue ties. She referred us to a fantastic new pediatrician who actually listens to us and cares. She taught me new things about breastfeeding that I didn’t know. She offered practical solutions that I could actually implement and sent me a detailed treatment plan with links to videos and other resources (thank goodness because my tired postpartum brain couldn’t remember much at the time.)She eased my worried mind by actually being there with me and for me. I believe what she does for families is truly a passion born out of the desire to stand in the gap and provide support and care most moms don’t even know is available to them. If you really want to breastfeed your baby and it’s just not happening the way you thought it would, please don’t suffer in silence. The struggle is seriously so real and Condola can help you navigate through it. She is the best!"


  • "Condola has been such an amazing support system for our family. If it weren't for her, my husband and I would be completely lost. She has helped us not only in addressing concerns with our baby's tongue tie but has given me the confidence to continue the journey of breastfeeding despite the challenges we have faced. She has also given us great referrals to help with our baby's needs. Will always be grateful for all she has done for our family. I will always be sure to recommend her!"


  • "Condola is an amazing knowledgeable and professional lactation consultant! She provided a lactation class for me, my sisters, and a few of my coworkers who are expecting. The class was very informative. My husband and I feel much more prepared to welcome our baby girl and are confident in the decision we have made to breastfeed her after taking her class. We know we not only have great tools to start this breastfeeding journey after taking the class but we also have a great resource with Condola guiding us. I can't express how grateful we feel to have had this class! I 100% Recommend her services."


  • "Condola is amazing! She has been so helpful with my breastfeeding journey. Society puts a lot of pressure on women to breastfeed and at one point, I felt like giving up, she never made me feel judged. She was kind and offered support if I wanted to transition to formula. My son and I got through it with her help and have continued our journey. We couldn’t have made it this far without her support."
