Milk It can help with.


Tongue or lip tie

Prenatal education

Exclusive breastfeeding

Difficulty latching

Sore nipples and nipple breakdown         

Supplementation, milk fortification, using high calorie formula       

Slow weight gain

Sleepy or poor feeder

Baby is colicky gassy or has reflux

Did not meet previous breastfeeding goals

Going back to work or school


Paced bottle feeding, bottle refusal

Tongue tie evaluation and interventions

Plugged ducts, engorgement, soreness, mastitis

Increasing low milk supply

Managing oversupply and overactive letdown

Flange fitting and pumping evaluation

Supplemental nursing systems

Nipple shields

Question or concern not listed contact me

Milk It Services

  • Verify Insurance Coverage

    I am in contract with The Lactation Network (TLN). Please click the link and have your insurance verified. If approved, your insurance covers 6 home or video consultations at no out of pocket cost!

    You will be asked to upload a photo of the front and back of your insurance card. TLN accepts most PPO plans with Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), Anthem, and Cigna. After getting a confirmation email from TLN, you can schedule your initial and follow up visit(s).

  • Prenatal Consultation

    We will discuss concerns, expectations, set goals, and develop an individualized lactation care plan and birth plan designed to help you work toward the outcomes you desire for your birth experience. I can also help you with a hospital bag check list and picking the right breast pump. We will discuss feeding goals and ways you can prepare prenatally to help meet those goals.

  • Home Lactation Visits

    Home Visits

    I will work with you in the comfort of your own home to discuss concerns, expectations, set goals, and develop an individualized care plan that is designed to help you and your baby work toward your desired outcome.

  • Virtual Lactation Consultations

    Virtual Consultations

    We can accomplish your goals virtually! Set up a meeting with me via your computer, phone, or tablet. We will discuss concerns, expectations, set goals, and develop an individualized care plan designed to help you and your baby work toward the outcomes you desire.

    During a virtual consultation, we can video chat, share photos, and videos through secure messaging or screen sharing. I also provide a live demonstration for you with educational models. I can work with you virtually to troubleshoot your lactation concerns and feeding challenges.

  • Postpartum Visit

    Includes a parent physical and mental health assessment. We can check maternal vital signs and report abnormal values to your physician.

    We will discuss recovery and pain management, provide support with breast or chest care and, assess bleeding and your incision site while providing postpartum education.

    *This service is not eligible for insurance reimbursement

  • Bringing Baby Home

    Helping you with the transition from your hospital or birth center to home.

    We can help with the first bath, diaper changing education including circumcision care. Umbilical cord care. Safe sleep education and tips and, carseat education.

    Education on paced bottle feeding and help with basic lactation support as time permits.

    *This service is not eligible for insurance reimbursement

“Condola has always reassured me this journey belongs to my baby and I. She has supported me through three cases of mastitis and countless doubts. I feel incredibly fortunate to have Condola as my lactation provider!”

— Jo, RN